Note: not every section needs to be used, pick what is most relevant and key to your project
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👉 Feel free to post your finished Case study in #portfolio-case-study for feedback
💡Tip: Focus on the problem you’re trying to solve and how you solved it
[What I did: e.g. I redesigned....]
Description of project
User research
💡Treat the section titles as chapter titles so your project flows like a story
Insert the problem you’re trying to solve (user problem, business problem). If there is no problem, describe what you’re trying to discover. Also set out the scope of the challenge (any constraints and anything you’re not trying to solve with this).
Before + after of the project for a sneak peek
What are the business goals / outcomes (or assumed business goals) that you’re trying to impact with this project? What are the OKRs?
Insert your hypothesis here…
Key insights from user research